Retire Without Regret

Retire Without Regret

Do you have the financial resources to not work so much, but just don’t know how you will fill your time? Do you still find fulfilment in your work, but feel you’re missing out on other parts of your life? Here are five questions to answer to get you started on creating a retirement plan that will result in no regrets!

1.       If you were suddenly stuck on a deserted island, what would you be happy about not having to do?

2.       If you had 5 more years to live, what would you say “no” to now?

3.       On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your social life, physical health, amount of fun you have, spirituality, opportunities to learn?

4.       If you were asked to describe who you are or what you do, what would you say if you could not talk about your work?

5.       If you were asked by a young adult, “what is most important in life?”, what would you say? Are you making that the most important thing?

A social, mental, physical, and spiritual retirement plan will guide you to have the retirement life that will keep you energized, healthy, connected and fulfilled!


Ready, Set, Retire!


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