No-Regrets Retirement Coaching

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Fulfillment and satisfaction following the end of fulltime professional employment requires more than financial confidence. No Regrets Retirement Coaching involves creating goals, plans and actions that address the following areas:

  • Spiritualty - What will be your legacy? How will you contribute to the greater good? What is most important in life?

  • Physical Well Being - How will you remain healthy and strong for many years? What habits need to change or be created?

  • Social Connections - What relationships need to grow? Who are the most important people in your life?

  • Mental Strength - What will you learn? How will you keep your mind sharp?

Create your retirement plan NOW, so that when the time is right, you are ready!

Customizable Webinars

Fully customizable webinars are available to support your teams with managing themselves, leading others and creating strong relationships. Programs are interactive and can include pre-work and follow up individual coaching to support the new concepts. Popular topics listed below!

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  • Put me in Coach, I’m Ready to Play!

As leaders we’re asked to be managers, teachers, mentors and coaches, but how are those skills different, and when should you use each one? Coaching is a powerful tool for increasing empowerment, accountability and career planning. This program will teach you how to be a manager-coach by providing the tools for determining when to coach, asking powerful questions and gaining commitment from your team members.

  • Emotional Brain Work

Strong emotional intelligence continues to be a top skill identified in leaders and high performing professionals. Although it has been a topic of discussion for many years, most individuals are still unclear as to what it means and how it looks. Learn how to control emotional flooding, increase empathy, decrease anxiety and show up more authentically, resulting in increased performance and life fulfillment!

  • Bounce Forward

Future success will be determined by your ability to handle constant change and uncertainty, and the inevitable stress that comes with it. Learn what it takes to remain strong and agile in unpredictable times in which we live and work. Attendees will build their resiliency, strengthen the ability to live with “not knowing” and create strategies to help teams continue to thrive.

  • Getting What You Want

What if you could approach any challenging professional or personal conversation with confidence and clarity? Do you have team members that avoid “conflict” at all cost? Learn why conflict is stressful for most of us, how to change your mindset regarding difficult conversations, and the steps used to turn tough talks into basic negotiation conversations.

Confident Communication

Our emotions are activated all the time, even when we sleep! They give us a prompt on how we might respond to situations we encounter. However, we often allow our emotions to dictate our behaviors instead of relying on our logic, reason, and intellect. When this happens, we tend to be displeased with our reactions, but the pattern keeps repeating! When we can learn to notice the emotional state sooner, label what’s happening, hear our inner “stories” and determine the “facts” we can show up in a way that supports the type of person we want to be!

During this fast-paced, interactive presentation, attendees will learn:

  • The fundaments of emotional intelligence

  • Tips for managing emotional flooding

  • How to decide when to speak up

Schedule this webinar to help your team to show up strong!

Contact us.

(412) 389-1843

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