Ready, Set, Retire!

Randy began his coaching session with, “I have enough money to retire, I’m just not ready yet!” What did “ready” mean to him? “What will I do? Who will I do it with? I get bored easily. I can’t just sit around!” Sound familiar?  Randy’s  25+ years of corporate work provided him with a lot more than income. Although he was ready to give up the long hours, high pressure and stress, Randy did not want to lose the fulfillment, productivity and social connections that came with the job. He felt stuck! His mind”set” was one of loss – what he would be giving up when he retired.

  • Ready:  Create a plan to continue to experience those things that give you a full life- mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially.

  • Set: Shift your mindset to one of abundance – “What will I say ‘yes’ to when I say ‘no’ to my corporate work?”  Do you equate retirement with being lazy, unproductive, boring and old? How do you want to frame this next phase of your life?

  • Retire: What can you move “towards” instead of “from”?  How can you make this the best time of your life?

If you, like Randy, have the financial means to stop fulltime employment, figure out what’s holding you back. Take some steps today to begin to create your plan so that when the time is right you are ready and set to (retire) GO!


What’s Your Backup Plan?


Retire Without Regret